Innovative Student Research Grant in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Grant application deadline: February 5, 2025

Applicants will be notified June, 2025.

Submissions that do not meet the specified requirements or that are incomplete will not be reviewed.

Applicant Information
First Name: (Required)
Last Name: (Required)
Email: (Required)
Affiliation: (Required)
Street Address 1: (Required)
Street Address 2:
City: (Required)
Country: (Required)
State/Province: (Required)
Postal Code: (Required)
Phone Number: (Required)

Biosketch (Required)
Please download and complete the NIH biosketch form found here. Instructions for completing the form may be found here. You may leave the eRA Commons field blank. Please save the file as a PDF, with the following naming format: LastName.FirstName.DEI.Bio.

Please upload your biosketch here: (Required)

Program Information
University: (Required)
Program Name: (Required)
Semester/term and year accepted to program (for example, fall 2013): (Required)
Current year in program (for example, second year out of four): (Required)
Expected graduation date: (Required)
Grade point average or comparable: (Required)

Proposal Information (Required)
Title: (Required)

The title should briefly convey, in general terms, the question addressed by the study.

Budget: (Required)
Please enter amount requested in US Dollars. The amount entered should not exceed $5,000. Please ensure that the amount requested matches the total for project budget included in the proposal upload.


Proposal Upload

Please upload your proposal using the button below; only PDF files are accepted.

Proposals are limited to five pages total and must include all of the information outlined below. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed. A proposal reference list may be included in addition to the five pages, as a sixth and, if needed, seventh page.

Please format your document as follows: 11-point Arial font, single spacing, 1/2-inch margins, section headers as outlined below; naming format LastName.FirstName.DEI.Proposal.

The following sections should be included in your proposal:

The title should briefly convey, in general terms, the question addressed by the study.

Describe the following; up to 1/2 page is recommended:

  • The importance of the problem the proposed project will address in terms of societal need and/or advances in scientific knowledge.
  • How the proposed project will improve scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or intervention effectiveness in DEI.
  • How the concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, or preventative interventions that drive the subject matter will be changed if the proposed aims are achieved.

Specific Aims

State concisely the goals of the proposed research and summarize the expected outcome(s), including the impact the results will have on DEI and/or on behavior analytic research. At the end of this section, list in bullet-point form the specific question(s) to be addressed. Up to 1/2 page is recommended.

Describe the background and the overall strategy, methods, and analyses to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project. Include how the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted.

In the interest of brevity, this section should include highlights only. It does not need to include enough detail for replication. Include the following information:

  • Subjects
  • Apparatus/materials/setting
  • Procedures
  • Data analysis plan
  • Expected results plus how data will be interpreted

Briefly discuss anticipated difficulties in conducting the research and your contingency plan for completing the research successfully should those difficulties be encountered.

Include a timeline. Up to 1/4 page is recommended.

Describe how the funds would be spent. No indirect funds are provided to the student's institution. Grant funds must be applied to direct costs of conducting the research, such as compensating participants, purchasing equipment, or copying materials. Grant funds may not be applied toward the general infrastructure that supports research, such as paying research staff, renting or renovating research space, or defraying the costs of professional travel (though travel to ABAI's annual convention to present research is allowed). Up to 1/2 page is recommended.

Matching Funding
Please describe sources and amounts of matching funding for which you are applying or that you have received. Matching funding can be full or partial, and can take a variety of forms (e.g., tuition/fees coverage). Grant applications with matching funding from universities or other sources will be given preference, but matching funds are not a requirement to apply for or receive a grant. Also describe plans to identify and apply for funding sources to support follow-up and continuing studies related to the proposed project. Up to 1/4 page is recommended.

Please upload your proposal here: (Required)

Letters of Support
Verification of Qualifications and Place in Program

Please ask your advisor to send a letter that confirms your place (year) in your graduate program and verifies that you have sufficient time remaining in your program to complete the proposed project. The letter should also outline your qualifications and indicate that the project has received or is likely to receive approval from appropriate compliance committees (e.g., IRB, IACUC, Biosafety). In addition, the letter should address your standing relative to other students at the same stage in their educational careers and your promise for contributing to the field, as well as include a statement about the feasibility of your conducting the research under your advisor's guidance.

This letter should be emailed by your advisor no later than February 5, 2025, to Letters received after this date will not be accepted.

Please provide the following information about your advisor:

Name: (Required)
Email: (Required)
Affiliation: (Required)

Availability of Resources

Please ask your department or program chair to send a letter that confirms the availability of space and/or any other resources required to conduct the proposed research, such as specialized equipment, computer and university account, standardized tests, or facilities. This letter should be emailed by your chair no later than February 5, 2025, to Letters received after this date will not be accepted.

Please provide the following information about your department or program chair:

Name: (Required)
Email: (Required)
Affiliation: (Required)

Note: Submissions that do not meet the specified requirements or that are incomplete will not be reviewed.


Confirmation Code