Public Awareness Grant Application

Grant application deadline: February 5, 2025

Applicants will be notified June, 2025.

Submissions that do not meet the specified requirements or that are incomplete will not be reviewed.

Applicant Information
First Name: (Required)
Last Name: (Required)
Email: (Required)
Affiliation: (Required)
Street Address 1: (Required)
Street Address 2:
City: (Required)
Country: (Required)
State/Province: (Required)
Postal Code: (Required)
Phone Number: (Required)

Applicant Qualifications

Include any relevant experience you have in behavior analysis (work experience, academic experience, conventions attended, etc.). Preference will be given to applicants demonstrating evidence of a strong analytical repertoire. Please indicate what person(s) will be responsible for developing the project, with summarized vitae information, and how the project will achieve the professional goals of the recipient(s).

Highest degree held: (Required)
Year Degree Earned: (Required)
University where highest degree was earned: (Required)
Courses taken in behavior analysis: (Required; 2,000 character maximum)
Description of your background in behavior analysis: (Required; 2,000 character maximum)

Project Description

Please provide a detailed description of the aims of the project. Preference will be given to those descriptions in which the scope is clearly outlined, with measurable goals.

Information to include:

  • Project rationale in behavioral terms.
  • Target audience and how the proposed project will reach an audience that has not yet been reached through existing initiatives.
  • Messaging, which should be grounded in scientific evidence.
  • Information about whether the proposed project is new or builds on an established infrastructure.

Priority will be given to projects designed to deliver messaging focused on behavior science and behavior analytic solutions to important problems. Projects that push the frontiers of behavior analysis into diverse areas including but not limited to education, organizational development, mental health, and community building are encouraged.

Local, regional, national, or international projects are welcome.

Title: (Required)
Geographic scope of project: (Required)

Please define the geographic region(s) specifically targeted within the scope of your project.

Project Description: (Required; 2,000 character maximum)

Project Outcomes: (Required; 2,000 character maximum)

Please provide information about the following aspects of your project:

  • Goals: Projects should have measurable goals, a well-specified plan to evaluate impact and effectiveness, and permanent products.
  • Scalability: Priority is given to projects that are scalable and could serve as models for large-scale implementation.
  • Sustainability: Priority is given to projects designed to have an impact beyond the funding period and that include plans for maintaining established relationships and collaborations.
  • Replicability: Priority will be given to projects that could serve as models to be implemented in other places.

Please enter amount requested in US Dollars. The amount entered should not exceed $5,000. (Required)


Budget: (Required; 2,000 character maximum)

Provide a clear description of how the funds will be used. The specification must add up to the amount requested. Other secured funding and in-kind support should also be identified, along with source(s) (see "Matching Funding" below). Funding for materials or events aimed at fundraising, projects to advertise products or services, staff salaries, or expenses for existing programs will not be granted. Time and labor should come from in-kind support.

Matching Funding: (Required; 2,000 character maximum)

Priority is given to applicants whose institutions/universities will match funding. Please describe matching funding (100-word maximum recommended).

Timeline: (Required; 2,000 character maximum)

Note: Submissions that do not meet the specified requirements or that are incomplete will not be reviewed.


Confirmation Code