Dr. James Partington is the clinical director of Behavior Analysts, Inc. in Pleasant Hill, California. This psychological corporation provides a variety of educational services for children with autism or other developmental disabilities. Dr. Partington is a licensed psychologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst with decades of experience. His expertise is in language intervention for children with language delays as a result of autism-related disorders. Dr. Partington received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Western Michigan University and his Ph.D. from Florida State University. He has taught courses in the psychology department at West Virginia University, in the education department at St. Mary's College, and in the counseling psychology program at the University of San Francisco. He has published several papers on teaching strategies for children with disabilities, and has co-authored with Dr. Mark L. Sundberg Teaching Language to Children With Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities and The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (The ABLLS): An Assessment, Curriculum Guide, and Skills Tracking System for Children With Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities.
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