2011: The Ohio State University Special Education Program

For more than 40 years, The Ohio State University's (OSU’s) special education program has helped advance the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA). Because much of the research by OSU faculty and students takes place in inclusive classrooms and vocational and community settings, learners without special needs and the practitioners who serve them also benefit. The MA program emphasizes the design, implementation, and evaluation of curricular and instructional interventions to improve skills. The Ph.D. program prepares leaders whose research, teaching, and professional practice are grounded in the philosophy of behaviorism and the methodological and technological principles of ABA. Since 1987 OSU has received Leadership Training Grants from the U.S. Office of Special Education that provide tuition and stipends for students. While OSU faculty members have published hundreds of peer-reviewed journal articles and authored dozens of books, the ultimate measure of the program's contributions can be found in the accomplishments of its graduates, who have helped bring evidence-based instructional practices to teachers and students around the world. 


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