Julian Leslie obtained his doctorate in experimental psychology from Oxford University in 1974; since then he has been in academic posts in Northern Ireland, and a full professor since 1986. He published behavior analysis textbooks in 1979, 1996, 2000, and 2002. In addition to teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses, he has successfully supervised 48 Ph.D. students in the experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, psychopharmacology, behavioral neuroscience, experimental psychology, and applied psychology. Three Ph.D.s were concerned with behavioral strategies to address environmental issues. In 1977 Dr. Leslie co-founded Behaviour Analysis in Ireland, which became an ABAI affiliated chapter. In 2004, the group became the Division of Behaviour Analysis (DBA) of the Psychological Society of Ireland, and Dr. Leslie is its current chair. He organized the Third European Meeting for the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour in Dublin in 1999, and has co-organized 13 annual conferences of DBA from 2007 to 2019, in Dublin, Galway, and Athlone. He was a keynote speaker at the European Association for Behaviour Analysis Conference in Milan in 2006 and in Crete in 2010; at the Brazilian Association of Psychology and Behavioral Medicine in Salvador in 2011; at the 30th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Comparative Psychology in Ávila in 2018; and at ABAI's 10th International Conference in Stockholm in 2019.
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