2014: Barry S. Parsonson & JaneMary Castelfranc-Allen Rawls
Barry S. Parsonson received his master's degree and post-graduate diploma from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Following this, he gained an assistant professorship at Waikato University in New Zealand and established an ABA-focused clinical program in 1973. Donald Baer supervised his Ph.D. in 1977 at the University of Kansas. Later, they co-authored several book chapters on analyzing graphed data. Dr. Parsonson served as department chair and faculty dean at Waikato University and is a past president of the New Zealand Psychological Society.
JaneMary Castelfranc-Allen Rawls completed her master's degree and post-graduate diploma in clinical psychology at Waikato University and her Ph.D. in 1991 at the University of Kansas, supervised by Donald Baer. She is a clinical practitioner, researcher, and court assessor with emphasis on interviewing, trauma, and child protection.
Dr. Parsonson and Dr. Castelfranc-Allen established the Children of Georgia NGO after teaching ABA theory and practice in the former Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic from 1997–1999, and discovering abandoned and disabled children in terrible institutional conditions. A SABA International Development Grant in 2000 funded advanced ABA training and a manual introducing ABA. A revised edition has been translated as an introductory university text. For more than 15 years, Dr. Parsonson and Dr. Castelfranc-Allen have taught and promoted ABA in Georgia and now proudly see ABA practitioners there who are achieving BCBA certification.
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