Dr. Robert Mager has taught psychology and human relations at colleges and universities and served as research scientist for the Human Resources Research Office. He established behavioral research laboratories for Varian Associates and Xerox Corporation, and was technical director of the Learning Systems Institute in Paris, France, and director of module development for Project PLAN, American Institutes for Research. Another significant contribution is his Criterion-Referenced Instruction (CRI) methodology, applied world-wide to support education and human resources professionals through his instructor development programs, including CRI (with Peter Pipe), Instructional Module Development, and The Training Director Workshop. Author of numerous books, technical papers, and articles, Dr. Mager is widely known for his book Preparing Instructional Objectives. Other books include Developing Attitude Toward Learning, Analyzing Performance Problems (with Peter Pipe), Goal Analysis, Measuring Instructional Results, Making Instruction Work, Measuring Instructional Results, Troubleshooting the Troubleshooting Course, The How to Write a Book Book, and What Every Manager Should Know About Training. The procedures described in his books are used in many instructional design courses in colleges and universities today.
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