Dr. Warren Bickel joined the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute in 2011 and serves as director of its Addiction Recovery Research Center and co-director of its Center for Transformative Research on Health Behaviors. In recognition of his extraordinary contributions to research and scholarship, Dr. Bickel was recently awarded the Virginia Tech Carilion Behavioral Health Research Endowed Professorship. He has taught and led research programs at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the University of Vermont, and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. The National Institutes of Health has funded his work continuously since 1987. Other accolades include the 2011 American Psychological Association (APA) Division 25 (behavior analysis) Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Don Hake Translational Research Award, the 2012 APA Division 28 (psychopharmacology and substance abuse) MED Associates Brady-Schuster Award, and the 2016 College on Problems of Drug Dependence Nathan B. Eddy Memorial Award. Dr. Bickel was editor of the journal Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, has co-edited five books, and has published more than 400 papers and chapters. His work is frequently cited and receives national and international recognition.
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