2005: Christopher A. Podlesnik
Utah State University
Chris became interested in the study of behavior while working with Philip N. Chase at West Virginia University. His undergraduate honors thesis examined the effects of instructions on the persistence of behavior. This was the first time the effects of instructions on behavior had been examined using disruption techniques borrowed from the literature on behavioral momentum theory. The results from this study were published in The Psychological Record. His main interests involve testing the boundaries of behavioral momentum theory and the matching law, and he has collaborated on projects that examined how primary reinforcement variables affect response recovery, attending to stimuli, and the allocation and persistence of behavior maintained by conditioned reinforcement. His research has also focused on how different response-reinforcer contingencies affect the persistence of behavior independent of differences in reinforcement variables. Similar methods are used to assess behavioral momentum theory in the experimental analysis of behavior and to assess underlying associations between environmental events by researchers in other areas of psychology. Chris has also examined these similarities at conceptual, theoretical, and empirical levels.
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