International Development Grant


The grant application period for 2025 is closed. The 2026 application period will open in September 2025.


Applicants Notified:  June, 2025


Purpose: To increase opportunities for individuals and organizations for the development and/or dissemination of behavior analysis internationally.


Grants Available: The amount awarded will vary from US$1,000 up to US$5,000 each to individuals or organizations interested in developing behavior analysis internationally. All expenses must be clearly detailed in the proposed budget statement. Up to ten grants will be awarded annually.


In addition, the top-scoring grant winner from outside the United States may be eligible for a travel grant of up to US$1,000 to allow them to present at the annual convention. The grant will be provided after the convention and is contingent upon the grantee’s presence and presentation.


Additional Information: All grant winners are encouraged to make submissions for and attend the annual convention and to visit laboratories or institutes in the United States in the same trip.


Coordinators and faculty of an established international Verified Course Sequence (VCS) or accredited program may apply. Please reference the VCS(s) or accredited program(s) in your application. Individuals interested in developing a new VCS or accredited program may also apply under the condition that they have read VCS or accreditation handbooks and application requirements.



Grant Application Details


Review of Applications: The SABA Board of Directors will review applications.


Eligibility: All applicants must be: (1) formally affiliated with a university or institution; (2) not currently in receipt of a SABA International Development Grant.


Eligibility Considerations: International Development Grant recipients agree to provide a brief report on what the grant was used for, along with an outline of expenditures. This report is due to the SABA Board by April 1 of the following year.


Projects viewed most favorably will be those that address systems-level issues and/or create lasting infrastructure with the potential to enhance behavior analysis in a given region over the long term. One-time events, such as a workshop, that seek to influence individuals but not systems or infrastructure normally are not appropriate.


Ineligible Costs:

(1) One-time events that are unlikely to have long-term impact.

(2) For-profit workshops, seminars, or other events.

(3) Projects that include stipends for applicants, administrative support, or other labor or assistance.

(4) Projects with funding requests for refreshments or hospitality.



Previous Recipients


Rodrigo Benavides
Project: Fascinante Podcast: Hablemos de Ciencia y Conducta (Fascinating Podcast: Let’s talk about science and behavior)
Brissa Guitierrez
Project: Fascinante Podcast: Hablemos de Ciencia y Conducta (Fascinating Podcast: Let’s talk about science and behavior)
Laurent Avila Chauvet
Project: Behavior Analysis VR Learning Hub
Kateryna Ivanova
Project: Developing and adapting materials about basics of applied behavior analysis
Adrienne Jennings
Project: International Clinical Practices in Applied Behavior Analysis
Clara Cordeiro
Project: International Clinical Practices in Applied Behavior Analysis
Toni Rose Agana
Project: International Clinical Practices in Applied Behavior Analysis
Sarah Kristiansen
Project: Community-Based Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Caregivers to Implement Menstrual Hygiene Skills
Valeria Pascale
Project: Behavior Analysis in Prison


The SABA International Development Grant was first awarded in 1999. Multiple grants were awarded until 2006, when a single grant was awarded. SABA started again to award multiple grants in 2008. The list of previous grant recipients is available here, and provides links to information about each winner’s research project.