2016: Felipe Epaminondas

Boteco Behaviorista

Boteco Behaviorista (translated as “Behaviorist Pub”) is an informal, nonprofit initiative for the dissemination of behavior analysis in Brazil. It is a Youtube channel in which live web conferences are recorded using the Google Hangouts platform. Scholars and professionals gather for discussions on hot topics in behavior analysis and radical behaviorism, providing diverse points of view with a laid-back approach. The channel was created in 2012 by Felipe Rosa Epaminondas and César Antonio Alves da Rocha, and now has more than 50 recorded episodes and more than 10,000 subscribers. The Facebook page has more than 20,000 likes. This success is due to the contributions of many colleagues, especially the psychologist Marcela Ortolan, who has participated in almost every recording since the beginning. The original idea emerged when, in August 2012, Felipe and César were watching a live stream by NASA staff about the landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars. Felipe wondered, "What if we could benefit from this technology to transmit panel debates on topics concerning behavior analysis?" Since then, Boteco Behaviorista has gathered people from different areas: scientists researching basic processes in the experimental analysis of behavior, professionals whose work is based on applied behavior analysis, scholars who investigate philosophical aspects of behaviorism, as well as people from like areas, such as biology, psychiatry, philosophy, and so on. Autism, sexuality, stimulus equivalence, epigenetics, aversive control, drug abuse, relational frame theory, psychotherapy models, behavioral variability, feminism and behaviorism, verbal behavior, psychopathy, cultural evolution, and private events are some of the themes addressed in the panels. Important scholars from Brazil and around the globe have already participated in our “boteco,” and the project aims to continue both the dissemination of information about behavior analysis, and a broadening of dialogue between our field and others.


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