2004: Joseph J. Pear

University of Manitoba

The grant was used to develop an online course in applied behavior analysis for University of Manitoba students as well as students from a variety of institutions and countries. The undergraduate-level course was developed using a web-based computer assisted personalized system of instruction (WebCAPSI). Students access the course from anywhere in the world using the WebCAPSI website. The course was designed using a computer-based version of Keller’s (1969) personalized system of instruction, with a focus on encouraging students to develop higher-order or critical thinking skills. Courses in several universities in Canada, the United States, and elsewhere are being merged using WebCAPSI, and students may earn credit for the course from any of the participating universities. The interactions between students of diverse backgrounds and cultures continue to enhance educational experiences. Additionally, WebCAPSI archives all data, permitting a detailed analysis of how students from different localities interact.


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