2004: Yanqing Guo

Institute of Mental Health, Peking University

The International Development Grant was used to develop a series of training sessions at the Institute of Mental Health, Peking University. The sessions were of two types: one for professionals and one for parents. The professional training was for graduate students and focused on courses in the principles of behavior, behavioral assessments and interventions, radical behaviorism, and applied research methods. The parental training, focused on parents of children with autism, made use of applied behavior analysis (ABA) training methods that have been successful in the US for children with autism. Since parents of children with autism are in great need of such techniques and ABA-trained professionals are scarce, emphasis was placed on first teaching parents how to train their children using ABA methods. Professionals have been trained gradually to meet professional guidelines, and training sessions not only educate professionals to provide support for parents, but also foster interest in different areas of ABA.


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