2018: Erica Lozy

Louisiana State University 

Erica D. Lozy received her MA in applied behavior analysis at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Currently she’s studying under the supervision of Dr. Jeanne M. Donaldson in the school psychology doctoral program at Louisiana State University. Erica’s research focuses on increasing early learner skills in young children, particularly those at risk of falling behind in literacy. Because the current approach to teaching pre-reading skills is class-wide instruction that combines multiple skills (e.g., letter names and sounds) and arbitrary mnemonic devices (e.g., hand gestures and pictures), the extent to which mnemonic devices speed up letter-sound acquisition is unknown. Erica plans to evaluate the differential effects of instructional variations and hand gestures on letter-sound acquisition with preschool children. In the first study, she will compare the outcomes of an empirically supported traditional drill (TD) flashcard method and a modified strategic incremental rehearsal (SIR) flashcard method to the traditional class-wide teaching. Erica expects the results to demonstrate the modified SIR method as the most effective procedure. In the second study, Erica will compare the outcomes of an effective flashcard method as determined via study one (SIR or TD) with and without Jolly Phonics hand gestures to the traditional class-wide teaching. The results will determine whether inclusion of one mnemonic device, hand gestures, paired with letter sounds increases or impedes skill acquisition compared to the intervention without hand gestures. In addition, Erica will evaluate the maintenance of letter sounds across each intervention during both studies to attest to the durability of procedures. She expects the results to aid in closing the remaining gaps in skill acquisition procedures for early learner skills.


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