2003: Marleen Adema

University of Wales, Bangor

Marleen Adema’s scientific upbringing was in an environment of Chomskyan linguistics, functional grammar, and cognitive psychology. During her studies at the University of Amsterdam she developed an interest in behaviorism and behavior analysis, much to the surprise of her lecturers. Misunderstandings surrounding behaviorism and behavior analysis attracted her attention, and for her master's thesis she compared radical behaviorism and connectionism in the learning of verbal behavior. After graduation, she attended several international behavior analytic conferences to compensate for the lack of doctoral programs in behavior analysis in the Netherlands, before enrolling in an MSc course in research methods in psychology at the School of Psychology of the University of Wales, in Bangor (UK), where she joined a group of behavior analysts led by Fergus Lowe and Pauline Horne and worked in several areas of research. At Bangor, Marleen specialized in learning, language, and development. She conducted theoretical and experimental studies in behavior analysis, language development, and child development. The research project for her MSc focused on the development of imitation. 


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