2020: João Claudio Todorov

João Claudio Todorov is emeritus professor and research associate at the University of Brasília, Brazil, where he was also rector (1993–1997), vice rector (1985–1989), and dean for research and graduate studies (1985); and from which he was recently awarded an honoris causa doctorate. His publications include six compilations, 18 book chapters, more than 120 articles in scientific journals, and more than 150 articles in newspapers. He was editor of the journals Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão and the Brazilian Journal of Behavior Analysis and on the editorial boards of the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, the Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, Behavior and Philosophy, Acta Comportamentalia, and Psychology: Theory and Research. He received the 2009 SABA Award for International Dissemination of Behavior Analysis and the 2012 lifetime achievement award from the Iberoamerican Federation of Psychology Associations. His research interests include temporal control, aversive control, choices, decisions and preferences, and cultural practices. In recent years, he has contributed to the analysis of social policies in the areas of conditional transfer of income, education, educational measures, the environment, urban mobility, and the rights of children and adolescents.
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