Dr. Glenn has had a profound influence on the field of behavior analysis through her leadership in education, practitioner certification, scholarship, and service to ABAI. She transformed the Center for Behavioral Studies at North Texas State University (now the University of North Texas) into the world’s first Department of Behavior Analysis and served as its chair from 1994 to 2003. Recognizing the need for a credentialing system to help consumers identify qualified practitioners, she worked for years to bring the certification examination to Texas, which occurred in 1999, and she was instrumental in developing distance learning programs for professionals seeking certification. Dr. Glenn has authored or co-authored dozens of peer-reviewed journal articles, four books, and four book chapters. She is highly regarded for her studies of cultural design and her development of the concept of metacontingencies. Dr. Glenn’s service to ABAI began in 1983 in the role of program area coordinator for behavioral clinical interventions and has included roles on seven boards and committees, editorship of The Behavior Analyst, and 7 years of service in three positions on the Executive Council, including president.
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