Dr. Roger McIntire received his Ph.D. in psychology at Louisiana State University in 1962 and joined the faculty at the University of Maryland that same year. He is the author of a series of child-rearing books including Teenagers and Parents: 10 Steps to a Better Relationship (1991, 1995, and 2000), Raising Good Kids in Tough Times: 7 Crucial Habits for Parent Success (1999), Enjoy Successful Parenting: Practical Strategies for Parents of Children 2–12 (1996), and For Love of Children (1970). While serving as associate dean of undergraduates, he wrote College Keys: Getting In, Doing Well, and Avoiding the Four Big Mistakes (1998). Now professor emeritus, Dr. McIntire is a frequent guest on radio interview shows, and his weekly column, Raising Good Kids in Tough Times, has appeared in numerous periodicals and newspapers. He has also been a consultant and teacher of teachers in preschools, grade schools, high schools, and colleges. Dr. McIntire’s research publications have concerned infant vocalizations, eating problems, strategies in elementary school teaching, high school motivation, and college retention.
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